How do you remove the first 5 elements of an array?

Removing the first five elements of an array can be a challenging task, especially if you're new to coding.

Fortunately, there are several methods available that make this process easier and more efficient.

How to remove first 5 elements from an array.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to remove the first 5 elements of an array with examples in JavaScript.

The easiest way to remove the first 5 elements from an array is by using the splice() method which allows us to specify a starting index for removing items as well as how many items should be removed from that point on.

To illustrate this concept let's consider following example:

    const myArr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; 

    myArr.splice(0,5); //remove 0-4 indexes 

    console.log(myArr); //output: [6, 7] 


  1. Learning Code
    Learning Code
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